Saturday 20 April 2024

Detailed Explanation of SQL Server Query Hints

SQL Server query hints are directives that can be included in your SQL queries to guide the SQL Server Query Optimiser in executing them. Typically, SQL Server automatically selects the most efficient execution plan based on the query and underlying data. However, query hints enable you to override the optimiser’s default choices, giving you greater control over specific aspects of query execution. 

While these hints can significantly enhance performance in particular scenarios, they must be used cautiously and strategically. Incorrect application of hints can lead to degraded performance or unpredictable outcomes. Therefore, it is essential to thoroughly test your queries both with and without hints to evaluate their impact. Ensure that hints are employed appropriately and suited to your specific workloads to achieve optimal results.

Below is a detailed look at common SQL Server query hints, examples of their usage, and the potential risks associated with each.


The NOLOCK hint allows a query to read data without acquiring shared locks. It is part of the READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level, which means that it can return data that has not been committed yet (dirty reads).

SELECT emp_id, first_name, last_name FROM employees WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE department = 'sales'; 
Case Scenario: If you are running read-only queries against large tables where the data does not need to be absolutely consistent (e.g., reporting queries), you can use NOLOCK to avoid blocking by ongoing write operations.
Recommendation: Use NOLOCK only when data consistency is not critical. It can improve performance by reducing blocking, but you risk reading uncommitted or inconsistent data.
  • Dirty Reads: The data returned might not be committed or might be rolled back after your query finishes.
  • Phantom Reads: Data might change while your query is running, leading to inconsistent results.

The FORCESEEK hint forces SQL Server to use an index seek operation, which can be more efficient for certain queries. It avoids using an index scan, which reads through more data than necessary.

SELECT emp_id, first_name, last_name FROM employees WITH (FORCESEEK) WHERE emp_id = 123456; 
Case Scenario: This hint is useful when SQL Server incorrectly selects an index scan for a query that could benefit from an index seek, such as when retrieving a specific row or a small subset of data from a large table.
Recommendation: Use FORCESEEK when you have well-defined indexes, and you are confident that seeking through an index will result in better performance. Test with and without the hint to compare performance.
Risks: Suboptimal Plan - forcing an index seek when it is not the best option could degrade performance, especially with large datasets where an index scan might be more efficient.

The FORCESCAN hint forces SQL Server to use an index scan instead of an index seek, which can be useful when you need to access a large portion of the data.

SELECT emp_id, first_name, last_name FROM employees WITH (FORCESCAN) WHERE department = 'sales';  
Case Scenario: This can be useful for queries where a large number of rows need to be retrieved, and an index seek would result in multiple lookups. An index scan may be more efficient in such cases.
Recommendation: Use FORCESCAN when you know that scanning an index or table will be faster than seeking due to the nature of the query or data distribution.
Risks: Performance Overhead - forcing a scan when only a small subset of data is needed can increase I/O operations, degrading query performance.

The OPTIMIZE FOR hint allows you to instruct SQL Server to optimise the query for a specific parameter value, which is useful for queries with highly variable parameters that can produce inefficient plans.

SELECT emp_id, first_name, last_name FROM employees WHERE salary = @salary OPTION (OPTIMIZE FOR (@salary = 40000)); 
Case Scenario: If your query performs differently depending on the parameter values passed, using OPTIMIZE FOR can lead to better overall performance by guiding the optimiser towards a more suitable plan.
Recommendation: Use OPTIMIZE FOR when you have queries with parameters that exhibit a wide range of values. Test the performance impacts of using this hint to ensure it provides the expected benefits.
Risks: Stale Plans - if the parameter chosen for optimisation is not representative of typical usage, it can lead to suboptimal execution plans for other parameter values.

The MAXDOP (Maximum Degree of Parallelism) hint specifies the maximum number of processors that can be used to execute a single query. This is particularly useful for controlling the performance of queries on multi-core systems.

SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM very_large_table OPTION (MAXDOP 4); 
Case Scenario: In a system with many cores, you might find that some queries are consuming excessive resources, leading to overall system performance degradation. By limiting the degree of parallelism, you can maintain better performance across multiple queries running concurrently.
Recommendation: Use this hint when you want to manage CPU resources effectively, especially in environments with many concurrent users.
Risks: Setting MAXDOP too low might result in longer query execution times, while setting it too high could lead to resource contention and affect the performance of other processes.

The RECOMPILE hint instructs SQL Server to discard the cached execution plan and generate a new plan every time the query is executed. This is beneficial for queries with parameters that can significantly affect performance.

SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM sales WHERE amount > @amount OPTION (RECOMPILE); 
Case Scenario: This hint is particularly useful for queries where parameter values vary widely, resulting in different optimal execution plans. For example, if one execution of the query retrieves a small number of rows, while another retrieves a large number, using RECOMPILE ensures that SQL Server generates the most efficient plan for each execution.
Recommendation: Use the RECOMPILE hint for queries with highly variable parameter values where performance may vary significantly based on the input.
Risks: Frequent recompilation can lead to performance overhead, as SQL Server must generate a new execution plan each time. This could be detrimental in high-transaction environments where the same query runs often.

The OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN hint tells SQL Server to create an execution plan based on the assumption that parameter values are unknown. This can be useful when parameters are highly variable and you want to avoid the plan being optimised for a specific value.

Example: SELECT prod_id, name, price FROM products WHERE price < @price OPTION (OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN);
Case Scenario: This hint is useful for queries where there is no clear "average" value for parameters, and an execution plan optimised for a specific parameter might perform poorly when different values are used.
Recommendation: Use this hint when dealing with queries that have high variability in parameter values, ensuring that the optimiser does not focus on a single value.
Risks: While it can prevent poor plans from being reused, this hint might lead to less optimal performance in scenarios where a particular parameter value is commonly used.

The PREFER NONCLUSTERED hint directs SQL Server to use nonclustered indexes instead of clustered indexes when executing a query. This can help improve performance when nonclustered indexes are more efficient for a particular query.

SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM dbo.orders WITH (PREFER NONCLUSTERED); 
Case Scenario: If you have both clustered and nonclustered indexes on a table, and your query performance is better with nonclustered indexes due to its selective nature, this hint can help guide SQL Server’s execution plan choice.
Recommendation: Use this hint when you are aware that nonclustered indexes will provide a performance advantage for the specific query.
Risks: Forcing the use of nonclustered indexes can lead to suboptimal plans if the clustered index actually provides better performance for the query.

The IGNORE INDEX hint allows you to specify which indexes SQL Server should ignore when executing a query. This can be useful when you know certain indexes will not benefit the execution.

SELECT emp_id, first_name, last_name FROM dbo.employees WITH (IGNORE INDEX(index_name)); 
Case Scenario: If you have an index that is rarely used and could be leading to suboptimal execution plans, this hint allows you to exclude it from consideration.
Recommendation: Use this hint when you are confident that the specified index will not aid in query performance and that ignoring it will lead to a more efficient execution plan.
Risks: Improper use of this hint can lead to performance degradation if you accidentally ignore an index that is beneficial for the query.

That's all for now.

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HELLO, I'M PERCY REYES! I've been working as a senior SQL Server Database Administrator (DBA) for over 20 years; I'm a three-time Microsoft Data Platform MVP. I'm a cryptographer conducting research on cryptographic Boolean functions and their applications.